Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Welcome to Planet Earth

Welcome to Planet Earth,
We hope you enjoy your stay, whether it be of a long duration or short. There are some things we would like to remind you about as you begin this adventure; or re-remind you if you have been here a while already.

The Source, God, Allah, whatever you call it, purposefully placed you here at this time, in this place, in this life. YOU ARE WANTED, no matter what any other voice or voices may tell you – you were born and because you were born you are MEANT TO BE HERE. There is no mistake in your birth. No mistake in your creation. As you know yourself, you will find that you are the perfect expression of your soul moment to moment.

This adventure in the human body is not meant to be all ease, although it is meant to be joyful. The soul that you are, seeks growth and that growth comes through specific experiences that challenge you. The key is to learn to TRUST YOUR INNER GUIDANCE. You are connected to the Source/God at all times. Once you can trust that connection, life will take care of itself. It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but it does mean there will be more joy and peace as you face all the aspects of your life. 

The challenges you face are meant to help ground you in the truth of the beauty of your soul. Each person or situation that you feel is trying to destroy you is, in the deeper sense, trying to help you realize WHO AND WHAT YOU REALLY ARE. Like a ship that rides the high waves of the ocean in a hurricane and stays afloat, your soul is here to learn to do the same thing.

KNOW YOURSELF AND YOU WILL KNOW THE SOURCE/GOD because you come from the Source/God. We all come from the Source/God. We are all connected and are reflections of each other.

Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. Your deep soul knows this adventure is challenging, yet fun. Get to know that depth of yourself, it will be what stands by you and never lets you down. It will always guide you to the love and light. It will guide you back to the Source/God. It will guide you back to the TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE – LOVE INCARNATE.

Halima Bach 10.20.15
Inspired by the teachings of Sidi Al-Jamal, Abraham-Hicks, and Dr. David Hawkins

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