Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Acting as if you see the Divine hiding in plain sight

“Tell me what Excellence (Ihsan) is?” Muhammad (aws) answered, “To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, yet He sees you.”

As I was contemplating an upcoming class around finding the Divine hiding in plain sight I was praying to Allah for guidance around some things I could share to help the class get a deeper feel for what I was trying to help them uncover. The above quoted line from the Hadith of Gabriel popped into my head. Along with that seemed to come insight into a new, to me, way of looking at this. It seems there are two places from which one can hear this Hadith. They are fear or love. Depending on which lenses your glasses, for relating to the Divine, have will make a difference on how you interpret this for your personal walking.

The majority of my life I have interpreted this teaching (whether in my Christian upbringing or chosen Sufi Muslim path) from the place of fear. I had better behave and sin as little as possible. I was always aware that God was keeping an eye on me and would inflict either immediate or delayed punishment to fit the sin. On the one hand this did give me a relatively “clean” life where I could pretty safely run for a political office, if I ever felt the need to. On the other hand it produced much stress in my life and relationships and created a perfectionist attitude fueled by a heavy laser focus ready to judge and arrogantly steer people to the right way which also prevented me from having fun and enjoying life. May Allah forgive me for all the hearts I hurt in this process, and there are many. To all of you, I am deeply deeply sorry. 

Then came the insight during the contemplation… What if I looked at it through the lens of love? If the name Allah comes from the verb “waliha”, which means to love passionately, to love madly (Physicians of the Heart – chapter 6) then Allah, not only means “The One” but it also means “The One passionate Love”.  If every surah of the Quran (except one) begins with “Bismillah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim” (In the Name of Allah, the compassionately loving, the mercifully loving), then it only makes sense to interpret this through the lens of love. That blew it wide open for me in a beautifully new way.

Remember when you fell in love, whether the first time or the last time, everywhere you looked reminded you of the beloved who took hold of your heart. Everything was a sign and all you wanted was to be with your beloved and be enveloped in your passionate love for each other. When you were together they were all you saw, all you worshiped. When you were apart, you either reread letters, emails, texts, looked at picture or listened to songs, anything and everything was a reminder of your love for them and their love for you. Seeing the Divine in everything and being crazy mad in love with the Divine is not really any different.

Dr. Alan Godlas, a professor and Sufi, shared at the recent Sufi School East that Allah is the “Soulmate of soulmates”. The Divine is constantly sending us messages of Love. If we can change our glasses from those of fear of punishment to those of passionate love we can start to see we are being called back to Love, the Passionate Mad Love that birthed the Universe and all that is within and outside of it. It isn’t always easy because, like all relationships, things may happen that are painful and some pain comes from our past and misunderstanding imposing itself upon the present. And some pain comes from those in the world who are living from a place of fear or darkness that is expressing less than the angelic aspect of our humanity. My question is - can we still hold onto our Lover during the difficult times and trust our Lover is watching over us and guiding us, even if, in that moment, we cannot see our Lover? The answer, according to the Hadith of Gabriel, is that it is possible. 

So, for my class on walking with the Divine and finding it hiding in plain sight – I will start out with this Hadith and talk about the Divine being our mad passionate lover playing hide and seek with us in every moment. Sometimes we may easily recognize the Divine and other times, we may have to look way past the outer image to the subtlety contained within to find our Lover. But, no matter what, I now have a new way of relating to Allah – truly as a Lover running through the woods and hiding behind things begging for me to catch It and become One with it in Passionate Love.

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At 9:09 AM, Blogger DMarie said...

Love it.. this one really spoke to me!


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